A fully generic solution for Django models editing in the front-end

We’re really very close to the Holy Grail of Django models editing in the front-end.

Can we really do it all with a single generic view ?

Yes sir !


Check sample code at: (9) A fully generic solution for Django models editing in the front-end

# A fully generic "edit" view to either create a new object or update an existing one;
# works with any Django model

def generic_edit_view(request, model_form_class, pk=None):

    model_class = model_form_class._meta.model
    app_label = model_class._meta.app_label
    model_name = model_class._meta.model_name
    model_verbose_name = model_class._meta.verbose_name.capitalize()

    # Retrieve object
    if pk is None:
        # "Add" mode
        object = None
        required_permission = '%s.add_%s' % (app_label, model_name)
        # Change mode
        object = get_object_by_uuid_or_404(model_class, pk)
        required_permission = '%s.change_%s' % (app_label, model_name)

    # Check user permissions
    if not request.user.is_authenticated or not request.user.has_perm(required_permission):
        raise PermissionDenied

    # Either render only the modal content, or a full standalone page
    if request.is_ajax():
        template_name = 'frontend/includes/generic_form_inner.html'
        template_name = 'frontend/includes/generic_form.html'

    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = model_form_class(instance=object, data=request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            object = form.save()
            if not request.is_ajax():
                # reload the page
                if pk is None:
                    message = 'The %s "%s" was added successfully.' % (model_verbose_name, object)
                    message = 'The %s "%s" was changed successfully.' % (model_verbose_name, object)
                messages.success(request, message)
                next = request.META['PATH_INFO']
                return HttpResponseRedirect(next)
            # if is_ajax(), we just return the validated form, so the modal will close
        form = model_form_class(instance=object)

    return render(request, template_name, {
        'object': object,
        'form': form,

Adding an appropriate ModelForm in the URL pattern is all what we need; from that, the view will deduce the Model and other related details.

urlpatterns = [
        {'model_form_class': forms.AlbumEditForm},
        {'model_form_class': forms.AlbumEditForm},

In the page template, we bind the links to the views as follows:

<!-- Change -->
<a href=""
   data-action="{% url 'frontend:album-change' row.id %}"
   onclick="openModalDialogWithForm(event, '#modal_generic', null, afterObjectEditSuccess); return false;"
   data-title="Change album: {{ row }}"
    <i class="fa fa-edit"></i> Edit


<!-- Add -->
    data-action="{% url 'frontend:album-add' %}"
    data-title="New album"
    onclick="openModalDialogWithForm(event, '#modal_generic', null, afterObjectEditSuccess); return false;"
    type="button"class="btn btn-primary">